Friday, July 25, 2008

New Beginnings for sure!

It's been a few months since i last posted...A lot has happened in that time.Iturned 30, graduated and started working again. It really only starts getting excited now only! I have found a man...Mr P. So far it seems like he's the best thing that could have ever happened to me. Of course there are minor obstacles...well, actually they are sort not so minor but i have no choice but to find a way to deal with it. Why? See, i am pregnant! He knocked my ass up within 2 weeks of us being together!

I am so excited about this pregnancy! It is something I had completely given up on! i thought i would ever be pregnant! Why? Because i had 4 miscarriages and one of my doctors diagnosed me with infertility! Coupled with this was the fact that i had this habit of meeting men who are either involved or have kids somewhere along the line! Then along came Mr P...with his beautiful eyes and humble baby-mama, no babies! and before i knew it, i found out that i was pregnant and my baby is still in my womb...growing strong every day-four months later.

As excited as i am there are moments where i am like "o fok, what have i done!"...but then again, i am turning 31 next month and it's about time i get me a baby and i love my man!

I also got a promotion! see, my baby is bringing nothing but good luck my way...